Cross Platform Fonts
Phil Davis
revdev at
Tue Aug 11 17:35:40 EDT 2009
That was Mark Schonewille who suggested Bit Stream Vera. Mark?
Ray Horsley wrote:
> Phil,
> Thanks for these ideas. I'm assuming by 'white space' you mean simply
> making fields larger (to one degree or another) than their
> formattedHeight and formattedWidth.
> Phil, if you're still following this, where do I locate additional
> fonts such as the Bit Stream Vera fonts you suggested so they're
> available inside my stand alone?
> Thanks,
> Ray
> On Aug 11, 2009, at 1:14 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
>> Two words, Ray: White Space!
>> Well-placed white space can improve the user's grasp of on-screen
>> information while also letting your fields to be bigger than they
>> might otherwise need to be, to allow for slight metric differences
>> between similar fonts (or the same font on different platforms).
>> Other issues can also come into play, like the slightly different
>> origin points of text in a field (distance from topLeft of field to
>> baseline of first char of text) on different platforms.
>> If you need absolute consistency or control, it's really not cheating
>> if you decide to use screenshots of text for your labeling of things.
>> I've built entire applications on that premise.
>> My apologies for not exactly answering your question, but maybe this
>> will help.
>> Phil Davis
>> Ray Horsley wrote:
>>> Another basic question: What fonts are good for deploying stacks
>>> cross platform? That is, fonts which will mostly likely NOT start
>>> unexpected word wraps on Windows when there was no word wrapping on
>>> Mac.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ray Horsley
Phil Davis
PDS Labs
Professional Software Development
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