revlet and path

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Aug 7 12:55:06 EDT 2009

Jan Schenkel wrote:
> Hmm, it seems to be missing the 'URL' keyword - what happens if you change: 
>   start using stack tStack
> into:
>   start using stack URL tStack

I was kicking myself for not noticing that, and had high hopes, but it 
still fails the same way.

Using the "url" keyword, I can now "go" to the stack which appears 
behind the browser window. But when I try to start using the now-opened 
stack, it fails with the same error codes.

This also fails with the same errors:

   go stack url tStack
   put there is a stack "teststack" into fld 1 -- it's now open, but 
this errors

I'll keep tinkering with it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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