Simple Socket Saga

Jim Ault jimaultwins at
Sun Aug 2 02:51:24 EDT 2009

Message path questions -> answers
>> Your idea of putting the accept further down in the message path is  
>> what I wanted to do but the documentation seemed to indicate this  
>> was not possible.
> Try it, my friend! The worst that can happen is that it won't work.

When doing investigation of the message path, try the following logic:
Create a handler.
Put the SAME handler in several script containers, such as stack,  
card, group, button, etc.

-------- steps to follow  --------------
-1- create a new stack
-2- add a button named "catchInButton"
-3- add a field named "catchInField"; lock this field
-4- select both the button and field;
then do 'group selected' from the Object menu
name this group "catchInGroup"

----copy and paste the script into the stack script ---
on catchThis
   put msg & cr & "Got my attention" && the short name of me into msg
   pass catchThis
end catchThis

----now use the message box to ....
set the script of this card to the script of this stack
set the script of group 1 to the script of this stack
set the script of button 1 to the script of this stack
set the script of field 1 to the script of this stack

now ADD this to two objects, the button and the locked field
on mouseUp
   put empty into msg
   send "catchThis" to me in 10 milliseconds
end mouseUp

The test is to click on the button and the locked field and read the  
message box.

EXTRA points
What happens if you do the following two lines from the message box????

insert the script of group 1 into back
insert the script of group 1 into front

EXTRA points
insert the script of button 1 into front

Experts will understand the answers once they see them.
Try using this line instead for more details

  put msg & cr & "Got my attention" && the short name of me && the  
long id of me into msg

Hope this helps give someone a method to find message path answers  

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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