[Data Grid] can't create a new data grid

Andre.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at inria.fr
Sat Aug 1 11:07:31 EDT 2009

I have a list field "lesCmdes"  (tab separated items in each line).

I would like to replace it with a data grid "theCmds"

Then, I drag a data grid from the palette tool
and from a button I lauch the following script in order to populate  
grp "theCmds":

set the dgText of grp "theCmds" to fld "lesCmdes"

OK ! the grid is populated !

BUT as soon as I try to change the names of the columns in the  
inspector, I get errors such as
Chunk: can't find background
Hint :	Chunk: can't find object
Error at	char 29 of line 3321 in handler _table.CreateControlsForColumns
Code:	29
or :
"An error has occured in behavior for the column template
Chunk: can't find background (with OK or Edit script).

Sometimes the new name of a column is accepted (also, the setting of  
its width, sorting type etc)
but then if for example I try to sort a column I got errors such as :

"An error has occured in behavior for the column template
Chunk : error in object expression" (If I choose "edit script", I get  
the script of btn "Data grid" of grp behavior etc.)

It is the first time I am stuck like this when simply creating a data  
grid ! (no problem ususally)

Am I missing something ? or doing something wrong ?

Help ;-))

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble


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