Runrev on the web

Ian Wood revlist at
Wed Apr 22 12:32:31 EDT 2009

As a purely anecdotal bit of evidence, earlier this week I copied two  
of my Drupal-based sites to On-Rev, and am seeing pages load 2-4 times  
faster than they are from the original site which is on shared 1and1  
On the other hand I've no idea how much of that difference is down to  
different server locations/not much load on the Rev server just yet  
etc. We'll see how things go with time...

In theory the 1and1 server is in the same country as I am (UK) or at  
worst in Germany (home country of 1and1), while the Rev server is in  
the US.


On 22 Apr 2009, at 17:11, Jim Schaubeck wrote:

>   My concern about OnRev is response time and cost.

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