Sending Email with attachment

Ian Wood revlist at
Mon Apr 20 06:09:34 EDT 2009

On 20 Apr 2009, at 10:29, Kay C Lan wrote:

> Go to be better than the AppleScript option:
> apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10004645

That's for embedding commands in an xcode-built app, as far as I can  
see. Better to crank up Script Editor and start looking at the  
AppleScript dictionary for Mail.

> [OT] If you've never seen the true potential of steam, check this  
> out, a
> great show, a brilliant episode, and if you wait to the very end,  
> the most
> glorious slow mo I've seen in a very very long time - unfortunately  
> you only
> get youtube quality.

I already have an extremely healthy respect for steam, but that is  
downright scary!


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