Tutorial - MacAddict Forum Reader on RevJournal Website - Webpage Won't Open
Mark Srebnik
msrebnik at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 30 18:56:46 EDT 2008
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 2:22 AM, Mark Srebnik <msrebnik at earthlink.net>
> Just got Rev3 about 2 weeks ago...so just getting started....
> Found Sarah's tutorial - "MacAddict Forum Reader" on RevJournal website.
> Tried tutorial, but so far not getting web page to open...
> on mouseUp
> show image "Busy"
> put field "Address" into tAddress
> load URL tAddress with message processWebPage
> end mouseUp
> I notice that it uses command "load URL", while in RunRev's beginning
> tutorial video, they use 'revGoURL'... although checked Dictionary and it
> says 'revGoURL' is now deprecated.. ;-)
> Have tried both but neither are opening up a browser window after clicking
> the "Load" button...
On Tue, Sep 30 16:00:03 CDT 2008, Sarah Reichelt <sarah.reichelt at
gmail.com> wrote:
>>The real problem is that MacAddict is no more. It has morphed into
>>Mac|Life, lost all it's enthusiasm and become boring as well as filled
>>with ads for Sony & Vista. Having been a MacAddict subscriber since
>>issue 1, this was very sad to see and I did not renew my subscription.
>>Anyway, I will need to re-write the scripts to use the Mac|Life forums
>>instead of the MacAddict ones. The base address has changed but so has
>>the structure of the page. One I have done that, I will send it to
>>Richard for the revJournal site and notify people on the list.
>>One other issue is that the "load" command does not go to your browser
>>the way revGoURL or launch does. It just loads the HTML source into
>>memory, and when it is finished, it goes to the specified callback
>>handler, if one has been specified. If this was all working, you would
>>just see a list of forum names appear on the left. Then you would be
>>able to click on one of them to see a list of sub-forums names.
Thanks so much for your help with this and your tutorial, Sarah!
Meanwhile, didn't realize that tutorial is only written for MacAddict forum.
I was trying to use another forum's web address that I visit often.
So, would be great as long as you're updating tutorial to add some comments
regarding getting this to work with other forums if that's not too much
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