question about find and replace

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Sep 30 13:56:58 EDT 2008

>   answer format("%03s",1)
> will display 001 (the 3 means pad with zeros to 3 places).  So if the
> decimal points in your number series are intentional, you could make a
> function like:
>  function padNumbers pSeries
>     repeat for each line tNum in pSeries
>       put "." & format("%03s",char 2 to -2 of tNum) & "." & cr after newSet
>     end repeat
>    return newSet
>  end padNumbers

Actually, you can put the periods into the format function:

  put format(".%03s.",1)
  --> .001.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
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