Distinguishing simple and double clicks

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr
Tue Sep 23 17:38:31 EDT 2008

Le 23 sept. 08 à 19:04, Eric Chatonet a écrit :


> Sure but I wonder: in many apps when does exist this ability, it  
> does not seem there is an extra delay: how is this possible?
> Actually, I don't think it's possible without extra delay...
I am note versed in computer science, but I am pretty sure that any  
software system has to be causal with respect to its physical input;  
in other words, you HAVE to wait for a possible second click to  
happen to decide whether it is a double click or a simple click. What  
actually happens, IMHO, is that you cannot use both single and double- 
click on the same object, which allows the second click interval so  
start relatively early after the first click; on macOS X, the  
duration of the second click detection (i.e. how long you wait to  
decide that a second click will not occur anymore) seems to be tuned  
by the system preferences. As for click and drag, I guess that the  
drag action eliminates the possibility of a second click. Maybe this  
translate in scrutinizing the mouseloc in your scripts to detect  

mes deux centimes



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