on controlkeydown very slow

william humphrey shoreagent at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 15:56:56 EDT 2008

I'm doing the following and it is slow (takes a noticeable second or two)

> *on* controlKeyDown pKey
>    *switch* pKey
>       *case* "s"
>  answer "s was selected"
>       *break*
>       *case* "c"
>          *answer* "c was selected"
>       *break*
>    *end* *switch*
> *end* controlKeyDown

Also it doesn't work if you have the cursor in the message box or maybe some
other places. But RunRev's own command key "S" (which saves stack) happens
instantly and it doesn't matter if the cursor is in the message box or
anywhere. Any ideas how to get this to work more like the native stuff. I'm
not trapping keys anywhere else.  It is version 3.0

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