Windows Version using Splash Screen

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Mon Sep 22 03:56:26 EDT 2008

> It just dawned on me, as I start finalizing things, that my Studio Rev 3.0
> will produce a Windows XP compatible standalone of the Splash screen stack,
> but then I have a problem with having a Windows compatible "stack" to use
> with it. How do I get that except by using the Enterprise version of Rev,
> which I can't currently afford; even at the new, lower price. Something I
> don't know? Thoughts about this?

Stacks are completely cross-platform. The only things you need to
worry about are fonts & printing. Try to use fonts that are installed
on both platforms (e.g. Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New).
If your stack prints, you will probably need to test it on a PC to see
if it comes out OK.


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