Uncomment in 3.0

James Hurley jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Sep 21 18:53:00 EDT 2008

> Message: 7
> Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 23:32:55 -0700
> From: Jim Ault <JimAultWins at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: Uncomment in 3.0
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
> Message-ID: <C4FB38A7.51D1A%JimAultWins at yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII"
> On 9/20/08 10:38 PM, "James Hurley" <jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Anyone else having this problem?
>>      Command/Shift -
>> does not uncommnent the selected lines as in RR 2.x, at least on the
>> Mac.
>> The associated menu item does function, i.e. uncommnent the selected
>> lines, but not the keyboard equivalent. Odd.
> Ah, yes, the keyboard equivalent bug is still here.  I am using 2.9  
> on OSX
> 10.5.4
> When using a script editor window, the ability to do cut.copy.paste  
> from the
> keyboard will take a vacation.  The menu choice will work always,  
> and the
> keyboard will hilite the Edit menu, but the command will not get  
> executed.
> This has been true for the 4.5 years I have been using Rev.  One  
> workaround
> I found was to use Menu Master which allows assigning keys to menu  
> items in
> any program.  Assigning cntrl-C to the copy command will work at  
> the times
> the cmd-C stops.  Relaunching Rev will also repair this.
> Some days go by with no vacations, but other days they reappear.   
> By the
> way, Rev is the only program I can remember using on the Mac that  
> has this
> behavior.  I have been a Mac user since '84
> I think it is a question of focus where the cursor is in the field  
> in the
> script editor stack, but Rev pastes the clipboard somewhere else.   
> Sometimes
> the Errors stack will be open and receive a hit that changes its field
> sizes.
> Again, choosing the menu always works as expected.
> Jim Ault
> Las Vegas


I have only had this problem since I started with RR 3.0.

I sympathize with your problem. It is hard work without the keyboard  

I don't know whether to report this as a bug. So far you and I are  
the only ones I know of with the problem.

Anyone else out there? Does "Command-Shift -" uncomment the selected  
text in RR 3.0 running on the Mac (10.4.11)?

Jim Hurley

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