Rev on iPhone/iPod Touch ??

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Thu Sep 18 15:56:12 EDT 2008

Le 18 sept. 08 à 21:23, Stephen Barncard a écrit :

> Fooey on Toolbook. One can make web apps look exactly like an  
> iPhone app now.
> check this out:
> I adapted a test to work on my site:
> it would be easy to use Rev to make up these.

I don't think so, if I understand what SJ & co said at the WWDC  
keynote & SDK announcement. The interface (that they call CocoaTouch)  
is rather different from what you have with a mouse and screen (this  
is also partially true for ajax). For instance, there is no  
"mouseover" at this stage. By contrast, you have these touch  
interface which is really different, and you have these extra  
sensors. This interface is still, IMHO, rather underexploited.

On the other hand, I agree that porting most of rev to such a device  
seems reasonably feasible. But, to continue another thread (Cocoa), a  
true porting would involve a loss of "cross platform compatibility",  
which I translate by the appearance of some diversity. Of course, it  
would be always possible to emulate most of the classical interface,  
but I think that developing on such a device (small screen, no  
overlapping windows, other sensors) motivates the appearance of new  
interface solutions, at the very least.

	(very) amateur developer

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