Export sequence of pictures as quicktime movie

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Tue Sep 16 05:15:49 EDT 2008

Hi Lynn,

I like Joe's idea to make a slideshow in Rev. You could even make a  
tool that creates these slideshows automatically.

Perhaps not exactly what you have in mind, but you could use a screen  
recorder to record the animation into a QuickTime movie. Here's a  
screen recorder created with Revolution: <http://snapper.economy-x-talk.com 

Since it is possible to create a simple screen recorder with  
Revolution, it is also possible to create a movie directly from your  
stack. Check out the EnhancedQT external (should be the first hit in  
your favorite search engine). I use it to create my movies.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See http://economy-x-talk.com/server.html 
  for more info.

On 16 sep 2008, at 06:46, Lynn Saults wrote:

> <https://webmail.um.umsystem.edu/exchange/SaultsS/Sent%20Items/How%20can%20I%20save%20a%20sequence%20of%20pictures%20as%20a%20quicktime%20movie.EML/# 
> >
> (I
> tried to post this earlier today but got a message that I wasn't a  
> member.
> Guess I've been too quiet for too long. I'm sorry if it get posted  
> more than
> once but I'm having a hard time and haven't seen it yet.)
> I use Revolution to do psychology experiments. I have a program to  
> generate
> sequences of simple visual stimuli (arrays of colored squares). A  
> colleague
> who does infant research wants to use these stimuli in an  
> experiment. She
> presents such sequences on a Mac as quicktime movies. I have  
> modified my
> program to export each stimulus display as a picture (a 'snapshot').  
> Is
> there a way to export the sequence of pictures as a quicktime movie  
> from
> Revolution or to easily create a quicktime movie from a sequence of  
> picture
> (snapshots)? I think I can use iMovie to make a movie from pictures,  
> but
> that seems rather tedious and clumsy, especially to get the timings  
> I want.
> I would appreciate suggestions about a good way to do this, using  
> Revolution
> alone or with externals or using other software.
> Thanks!
> J Scott Saults, PhD
> Research Associate

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