Rev 3.0 problems

Peter Brigham pmbrig at
Sun Sep 14 10:35:32 EDT 2008

On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 17:07:24, "J. Landman Gay"  
<jacque at> wrote:

> Peter Brigham wrote:
>> Well, my personal frontscript only has handlers for suspend,  
>> resume, and
>> controlkeydown messages, there are no backscripts, and I haven't  
>> tweaked
>> the rev IDE scripts at all. The only stack in use is revAltLib. I'm
>> mystified. Anyway, does anyone know where the IDE handles the  
>> decision
>> to trap or pass mouseup when opening the script editor?
> Since you mentioned you're using the frontscript I made, check that  
> one
> too. There's a handler in there to catch command-option-click. The one
> I'm using doesn't pass mouseup, but if you edited it, yours might.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |

I had extracted your controlkeydown handler and incorporated it into  
my own frontscript -- I use control-shift-<keydown> for all my text  
shortcuts so I made your routines respond to control-shift-space etc.  
I have no mouseup or mousedown handlers in my frontscript at all.  
Good idea though.

It sounds as though no one yet has delved into this aspect of the 3.0  
IDE enough to know where it would be passing the mouseup.... If  
anyone comes across this, I'd appreciate knowing about it

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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