Rev 3.0 problems

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Sep 12 20:12:01 EDT 2008

> 2) More annoyingly, it used to be in versions <= 2.9 that command-
> option[alt]-clicking (in the IDE) on a button/locked field/graphic
> while using the browse tool used to open the script editor for that
> control. Now, it opens the script editor but also passes the mouseup
> -- so trying to do this on a button opens the script but then
> triggers the button action. This is especially problematic when I
> then get a "cannot save script while executing" alert after editing
> and trying to save the script. For now, I have to change to the edit
> tool before command-option-clicking on a button to edit its script. I
> tried to look into the Rev 3.0 frontscripts to find out where and how
> the mouseup message is being passed but I can't find the place where
> I could tweak the rev scripts to patch this. Anyone else see this
> behavior? Whether yes or no to that question, any pointers on how I
> can block the "pass mouseup" in the rev scripts?

Peter, I'm not seeing this... I created a stack, added a button, set the
script to:

on mouseUp
 answer "Hello"
end mouseUp

and then Command-Option-clicked the button with the browse tool... the
script editor opened, but no answer box.

Is it possible it's a front/backscript or library that's being triggered?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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