Zipping an application package by script

Chipp Walters chipp at
Fri Sep 12 00:03:18 EDT 2008

OOPS, the previous routines depended on Altuit's revZipper.dll for windows.
This one works with Rev's versions. I still use the altUnzip one above for
Mac. This is a more dedicated one, but I'm sure the necessary bits can be
used. Sorry if this has already been handled.
on UnzipWxPythonZip
  put mgcTempPath() & "/" & "" into tZipPath
  if there is not a file tZipPath then
    answer information "No file to Unzip!" &cr& tZipPath
    exit to top
  end if

  put gVuePath into tFolderToUnzipTo
  if there is not a folder tFolderToUnzipTo then create folder
  set the cursor to busy
  revUnZip tZipPath,tFolderToUnzipTo
  altBusy false
  if the result is not empty then
    answer warning the result
    exit to top
  end if
  answer information "WxPython Installed Successfully!"

end UnzipWxPythonZip

on UnzipWxPythonMacZip
  put mgcTempPath() & "/" & "" into tZipPath
  if there is not a file tZipPath then
    wait 1 second with messages
  end if
  if there is not a file tZipPath then
    answer information "No file to Unzip!" &cr& tZipPath
    exit to top
  end if
  altBusy true,"Installing Files..."
  put gVuePath into tFolderToUnzipTo
  if there is not a folder tFolderToUnzipTo then create folder
  set the cursor to busy
  altUnZip tZipPath,tFolderToUnzipTo
  altBusy false
  if the result is not empty then
    answer warning the result
    exit to top
  end if
  answer information "WxPython Installed Successfully!"

end UnzipWxPythonMacZip

I also forgot the WinXP unlock file function in the previous post:

function altUnlockWinFile pFilePath
  if the platform is "Win32" then
    put pFilePath into tfile
    replace "/" with "\" in tfile
    put "attrib"&& quote & tfile & quote && "-R" into DosCommand
    put DosCommand
    set the hideConsoleWindows to true
    put shell (DosCommand)
    return true
  end if
end altUnlockWinFile

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