Arrays: new and old keys, i
Trevor DeVore
lists at
Thu Sep 11 15:57:35 EDT 2008
On Sep 11, 2008, at 3:10 PM, David Bovill wrote:
>> 1) Ability to reference an multi-dimensional keys dynamically.
>> Right now we
>> have to build the array key reference and then use 'do'.
> Yes - that was the first problem I came across. I wanted to write a
> recursive function, and since you don't know how deep you will need
> to go
> you have to use "do" which destroys the reason to use arrays 9ie
> speed) in
> the first place. This makes it useless to use as a native data
> structure for
> things like arrays - or at least impossible to create generic
> libraries for
> tree / xml data structures.
Generic conversion of XML to Array and Array to XML is possible
without dynamic keys once you have decided on a way to represent the
XML as an array. The XML conversion routines in the stack I provide
with the article can convert between XML and arrays and don't need
dynamically generated keys. I'm using the XML to Array conversion
routines extensively right now with web services and have been quite
happy with them.
I've attached latest version of these handlers at the bottom of this
email for reference. The entry points are ConvertArrayToXML() and
ConvertXMLToArray(). Look at ConvertXMLNodeToArray() for an example of
the recursive call.
I have another scenario where I had to resort to 'do' though. I'm
converting SQL queries to a hierarchal array but unlike XML SQL
results have no sense of hierarchy. So I have a couple of 'do'
statements in the code which I will promptly replace when/if the
engine is updated to support dynamic keys.
>> 2) Ability to pass a key of an array by reference. Currently you
>> can't do
>> this:
> OK. But "theArray[1]" is just another array - so surely you can do
> this:
> on mouseUp
> put "Hi There" into theArray[1]["name"]
> put theArray[1] into firstArray
> DoSomething firstArray
> end mouseUp
> command DoSomething @pArrayA
> ....
> end DoSomething
> Which I almost prefer for legibility - so that's no biggy for me?
Right, not a huge deal. But you hate to have to make an extra copy
when dealing with large data sets and it is extra lines of code. You
left off one line of the code though. You need to put firstArray back
into theArray[1] after calling DoSomething in order to get a pass by
ref equivalent:
put theArray[1] into firstArray
DoSomething firstArray
put firstArray into theArray[1]
>> 3) Ability to reference elements of an array in the order they were
>> added to the array:
> Totally. I posted about this earlier. I have to do a lot of
> scripting to get
> around this
Yes, it is unfortunate that we have to resort to custom sorts (see
SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering in XML code) or numeric sorts in order to
iterate through keys sequentially. Hopefully that will be addressed in
the near future.
Example of iterating sequentially through a numerically keyed array:
put the keys of theArrayA into theKeys
sort lines of theKeys numeric
repeat for each line theIndex in theKeys
end repeat
All that being said the new arrays have been a huge productivity boost
on my end. Code is running faster, is easier to read and easier to
Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
Developer Resources:
-- Converts an XML tree into a Revolution multi-dimensional array.
-- A nodes attributes will be stored as an array of it's "@attributes"
-- Node names will retain the sequence information (i.e. node[1],
node[2], etc.).
-- This information is necessary to determine order that keys should
be processed in. Example:
-- set the itemDelimiter to "["
-- put the keys of theArray into theKeys
-- sort theKeys numeric by the last item of each
-- pUseValueKey: The default value is false. In this case you get an
array that has an @attributes
-- key for nodes that have attributes and either a) no value or b)
only child nodes. Otherwise it contains the node contents.
-- Set to true if you want to store a nodes value in the '@value' key.
This will allow a key to have
-- both attributes (in @attributes key) and a value (in @value key).
function ConvertXMLToArray pXML, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey
local theArray,theResult,theRootNode,theTreeID
local theXMLEncoding
## Create an XML tree from XML text
put revCreateXMLTree(pXML, true, true, false) into theTreeID
if theTreeID is an integer then
## Determine the encoding of the XML, default to UTF-8
put matchtext(pXML, "<\?xml (.*)encoding=" & quote & "(.*)" &
quote & "\?>", versionMatch, theXMLEncoding) into theResult
if theXMLEncoding is empty then put "utf-8" into theXMLEncoding
## Now convert to array.
## The 1st dimension has one key which is the name of the
root node.
put revXMLRootNode(theTreeID) into theRootNode
if theRootNode is not empty and not(theRootNode begins with
"xmlerr,") then
put ConvertXMLNodeToArray(theTreeID, theRootNode,
theXMLEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey) into
end if
end if
return theArray
end ConvertXMLToArray
function ConvertXMLTreeToArray pXMLTree, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey
return ConvertXMLToArray(revXMLText(pXMLTree), pStoreEncodedAs,
end ConvertXMLTreeToArray
-- Converts a multi-dimensional array to an XML tree.
-- The array should contain one key in the 1st dimension which
-- will become the root node. Attributes of a node should be stored
-- as an array in the @attributes key. Sequence information for multiple
-- nodes with the same name should be included in the node name using
-- brackets (i.e. node[1], node[2], node[3]).
-- Returns an xml tree id (integer) or an error message.
function ConvertArrayToXML pArray, pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
local theError,theRootNode,theXML,theXMLTree
## if pArrayEncoding is empty then current platform encoding is
if pStoreEncodedAs is empty then put "UTF-8" into pStoreEncodedAs
## Create XML for root node. Note that we take extra steps in
order to support
## converting an array that only represents part of a tree rather
than the entire tree.
## In this case there may be multiple nodes at the root level.
put line 1 of the keys of pArray into theRootNode
set the itemdelimiter to "["
put "<" & item 1 of theRootNode & "/>" into theXML
## Create XML needed to create tree
put format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>%s", \
pStoreEncodedAs, theXML) into theXML
put revCreateXMLTree(theXML, true, true, false) into theXMLTree
if theXMLTree is an integer then
## Loop over all nodes at root level
put SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering(pArray) into theNodes
## Create tree using helper function
repeat for each line theNode in theNodes
ConvertArrayDimensionToXML pArray[theNode], theXMLTree,
slash & theNode, \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
put the result into theError
if theError is not empty then exit repeat
end repeat
if theError is not empty then
## something went wrong, clean bad tree
revDeleteXMLTree theXMLTree
end if
put theXMLTree into theError
end if
if theError is not empty then
return theError
return theXMLTree
end if
end ConvertArrayToXML
-- Helper function for ConvertArrayToXML
-- Converts the multi-dimensional array pArray to nodes in pTreeID.
-- Calls itself recursively.
-- Returns error message.
private command ConvertArrayDimensionToXML pArray, pTreeID, pNode,
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
local theError,theKey,theKeys,theNode
## A workaround for fact that Revolution does not return
## keys in the order we created them
put SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering(pArray) into theNodes
## Arrays might have sequencing info in name
## (i.e. step[1], step[2], ... )
set the itemdelimiter to "["
repeat for each line theFullNode in theNodes
put item 1 of theFullNode into theNode
## Look for attributes. These will be added as attributes to
if theNode is "@attributes" then
repeat for each line theKey in the keys of
revSetXMLAttribute pTreeID, pNode, theKey, \
EncodeString(pArray[theFullNode][theKey], \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs)
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(setting attribute" && theKey
&& "for node" && pNode & ")" into theError
end if
if theError is not empty then exit repeat
end repeat
else if theNode is "@value" then
## This XML tree is using complex structure. Node is the
value of the parent node
revPutIntoXMLNode pTreeID, pNode,
EncodeString(pArray[theFullNode], pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs)
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(adding child node" && theNode &&
"to node" && pNode & ")" into theError
end if
if the keys of pArray[theFullNode] is not empty then
## Node has children. Add node to XML tree then call
self recursivly to create children nodes.
revAddXMLNode pTreeID, pNode, theNode, empty
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(adding node" && theNode & ")"
into theError
end if
if theError is empty then
ConvertArrayDimensionToXML pArray[theFullNode],
pTreeID, pNode & slash & theFullNode, \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
put the result into theError
end if
## Node has no children but possibly a value. Create
node and add value (which may be empty).
revAddXMLNode pTreeID, pNode, theNode, \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs)
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(adding child node" && theNode
&& "to node" && pNode & ")" into theError
end if
end if
end if
if theError is not empty then exit repeat
end repeat
return theError
end ConvertArrayDimensionToXML
-- Revolution array keys are never guaranteed to be in order you
-- them in so we must come up with some other way of maintaining
-- proper sequence. For arrays representing XML, the XML syntax is
-- used (i.e. node[1], node[2], etc.). This handler will sort keys
that use
-- this syntax for representing sequence.
function SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering pArray
put the keys of pArray into theKeys
set the itemdelimiter to "["
sort theKeys numeric by the last item of each -- 1], 2], 3], etc.
set the wholematches to true
put lineoffset("@attributes", theKeys) into theLineNo
if theLineNo > 0 then
delete line theLineNo of theKeys
end if
return theKeys
end SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering
-- Helper function for ConvertXMLToArray.
-- Converts an XML node to a multi-dimensional array.
-- Calls itself recursively.
private function ConvertXMLNodeToArray pTreeID, pNode,
pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey
local theArrayA,theAttributes,theChildNode,theKey
## Look for attributes of the node. Store as array in
"@attributes" key
put revXMLAttributes(pTreeID, pNode, tab, cr) into theAttributes
if theAttributes is not empty then
put EncodeString(theAttributes, pXMLTreeEncoding,
pStoreEncodedAs) into theAttributes
split theAttributes by cr and tab -- create array
put theAttributes into theArrayA["@attributes"]
end if
## Look for children nodes.
set the itemdelimiter to slash
put revXMLFirstChild(pTreeID, pNode) into theChildNode
if theChildNode is empty or theChildNode begins with "xmlerr," then
put EncodeString(revXMLNodeContents(pTreeID, pNode),
pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs) into theValue
if word 1 to -1 of theValue is empty and the keys of
theArrayA is not empty then
## Empty node that has attributes
return theArrayA
else if pUseValueKey then
## Force value into @value
put theValue into theArrayA["@value"]
return theArrayA
## Single Node with value: Return value. Attributes are
return theValue
end if
## Child nodes were found. Recursively call self and store
result in array.
repeat while theChildNode is not empty and not (theChildNode
begins with "xmlerr,")
put the last item of theChildNode into theKey
put ConvertXMLNodeToArray(pTreeID, theChildNode,
pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey) into theArrayA[theKey]
put revXMLNextSibling(pTreeID, theChildNode) into
end repeat
return theArrayA
end if
end ConvertXMLNodeToArray
-- Helper function for converting the encoding of strings when
converting to and from XML.
private function EncodeString pString, pInEncoding, pOutEncoding
## convert utf-8 to utf8 for uniencode/decode
replace "-" with empty in pInEncoding
replace "-" with empty in pOutEncoding
if pInEncoding is not empty then
-- if pOutEncoding is empty then pString will be converted to
the current platform encoding
return unidecode(uniencode(pString, pInEncoding), pOutEncoding)
if pOutEncoding is not empty then
-- if pInEncoding is empty then pString is assumed to be
in the current platform encoding
return unidecode(uniencode(pString, pInEncoding),
return pString
end if
end if
end EncodeString
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