Mirye Monthly Release: Mirye RevCamp Issue 809

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Thu Sep 11 15:22:56 EDT 2008

Hi Lynn,

When you have a new product created with or for Revolution, please let  
us know. It is highly appreciated by all of us, I'm sure. I do the  
same when I finish a new product that is created with Revolution and I  
believe it is the right thing to do.

A quick message announcing the new product or update will suffice.  
There is no need to send a newsletter to this mailing list. You can  
send your newsletters to your own customers.

I receive offers from Runtime Revolution every now and then and I am  
not interested in offers from Mirye, unless you have a product that is  
not available from Runtime Revolution Ltd and your offer is either a  
product created with or for Revolution (see first paragraph).

I really don't see how "OEM" is related to this discussion. I don't  
see any "hooks". Just tell your customers to subscribe to this list  
for great community support and maintain your own mailing list aimed  
at your own customers in the mean time.

As far as I know, Derbrill doesn't "support" you, whateve "support"  
means and I haven't seen any statement saying that Jerry's "supports"  
you but that might be because I am not on Jerry's mailing list.

If you keep sending newsletters, you leave me no choice but sending my  
own newsletters to this list as well and I think Daniels and Mara,  
Derbrill, Altuit, Sons of Thunder, Tactile Media and of course Runtime  
Revolution Ltd should do the same. Yeah, that's right: even Runtime  
Revolution doesn't send newsletters to the use list, so why would you?

(Lynn, I wrote you about this subject off-list, a month ago, twice,  
but you didn't care to reply. That's why I write on-list now. I  
apologise sincerely to all other list readers for the intrusion.)

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See http://economy-x-talk.com/server.html 
  for more info.

On 11 sep 2008, at 16:05, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

>> What would you say about starting your own mailing list
>> rather than sending your newsletter to this list? If we all
>> start sending our newsletters to this list, I think it'll get
>> a bit cluttered.
> Hi Mark,
> The majority of RevCamp is a unique, monthly package of free stuff -  
> not
> really a newsletter but a sort of glue around several small releases.
> There are too many hooks in Runtime Revolution and in the license  
> process
> for our customers not to end up here on this list. Runtime  
> Revolution isnt
> developed with OEMing in mind and I wouldn't want to burden the  
> developers
> with a request to do that.
> That said, anyone who makes a major release of their Revolution add-on
> should make sure they send us their press releases. It doesn't  
> matter if you
> aren't in our online store, so long as you maintain your own  
> presence on the
> internet.  The Revolution community could use more organized  
> clutter. A sure
> sign of a healthy development tool ecosystem is the size and  
> viability of
> its third party tool supplier market, as well as the number of  
> consulting
> companies that support it. We are very happy to support and be  
> supported by
> developers like DerBrill and Jerry's new Rev Mentor service, because  
> in the
> end, it means we all generate more revenue to in turn support and  
> grow that
> ecosystem.
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks

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