download limits - Rev CGI?

Klaus Major klaus at
Mon Sep 8 08:53:47 EDT 2008

Hi sims,

> I want to set a limit to the number of times a text file(s) can be  
> downloaded.
> Example, say I have a group of 100 people eligible to download a file
> (put url "" ) with a Rev app.
> I only want the first fifty to be able to get the file, anyone that
> tries after that would be told "Sorry, snooze and you lose".
> I might want to be able to set up many such limited situations
> at the same time (different files available for different groups).
> I've not done any Rev CGI 'stuff', is this the sort of thing that
> could be done with Rev CGI?

Yes, of course!

Just check/write a simple textfile(s) with a counter when your CGI  

> sims


Klaus Major
klaus at

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