lost features scripteditor 3.0

Claudi Cornaz claudi.c at fiberworld.nl
Sun Sep 7 10:27:57 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I didn't have much time to put vers 3 through it's paces yet, but of  
course I was to curious to see what it would be like.
I hope to get some more time for programming again the comming days.
  (I still have to finish 2 films in the comming weeks but I will  
only be working a couple of hrs a day on these)

I like what I have seen so far, but there where 2 nasty surprises in  
the script editor.

The keyboard shortcuts for step [into] (spacebar) and step over  
(option spacebar) are not working anymore.
This is quite severe 'cause now it's impossible to debug while the  
mouse is down, like in mouseMove.
Because it's of course quite impossible to click on a button in the  
debugger and to keep the mouse button down at the same time.

In almost all my programs you need to drag objects or images around,  
so it's crucial for me to able to debug during the moseMove handler.
I have a trackball and with a match I can lock the mouse button down.  
This way I can move the mouse around,
without getting cramp in my fingers and "control" the debugger with  
the keyboard to step into, over or run.
( I always added the command space shortcut to choose run. This way I  
can realy focus on debugging
the specific parts I am interested in, a couple of well placed  
breakpoints are all that's needed.)

Are there new short cuts or are they indeed lost?  That would really  
be a (unnecesary) shame if it wouldn't be restored.

The second unpleasant surprise was the loss of color. I don't mean  
script coloring (which I dislike: to much info for the value. it  
distracts me)
but the ability to define a color to a word or sentence. For instance  
I use red for debug code. Visualy it's a  very vast way of
finding parts in my scripts. I need to change the itemdelimiter quite  
often and I always set the line with that declaration to blue
so whith a glance I can see where I set it and to what.
I was just planning on adding a popUpMenu to the script editor to be  
able to work quicker and with some more predifened colors
to mark parts in my scripts.

Probably this loss of color won't affect a lot of people so I guess I  
wil have to change my preference of working
and find another way to define parts in my scripts.
This will mean I will give GLX2 another try. This coloring was  
actualy my mean reason not to switch to GLX2.

I hope and guess that the rest of the vers. 3 experience will be a  
real pleasure.

All the best Claudi

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