Image File Picker

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Fri Sep 5 07:14:10 EDT 2008

Le 5 sept. 08 à 11:53, Jesse Sng a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if anybody has already rolled out an image file  
> picker that allows for image previews when asking a user to select  
> an image?
> Maybe I'm missing something here because as far as I know, this is  
> currently not possible using the "ask file" command and you let the  
> user select a graphics file. So I'm assuming that there would be a  
> need to implement something of our own.
> Does someone already have a sample stack that does that?

I will reply for MacOS X (precisely 10.4.11) usage. When I am in the  
open file dialog of Preview (Apple app) or Intaglio or  
GraphicConverter (3rd party apps) a jpg or pdf document, I have a  
preview available at the right of the dialog window. This has been  
true for common bitmap image file formats even in the pre OS X days,  
thanks, I believe, to QuickTime.
When doing "New Referenced Control>Image file..." or "Import as  
Control>Image File..." and select a JPEG image, all I get is a  
generic JPEG icon in rev Studio 2.8.1. I do not know if it is a bug,  
but it certainly a missing feature.
Anybody has info on this?
Best regards from Paris

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