Run Rev's within() function--Was: Problem with mask

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Mon Oct 27 21:33:42 EDT 2008

Wilhelm et. al.,

It is possible to write a within() function which, unlike the RR  
function, includes all point on the perimeter as within the ellipse,  
not just those on the top and left sides.

If one defines the ellipse by its two foci and its width, you know  
that a point for which the sum of the distances to the two foci is  
less than or equal to its width will be inside, otherwise outside.  
This is one definition of an ellipse.

The following script is a demonstration, or to see it in action run  
the following  in the message box:

go url ""

Jim Hurley

local p1,p2, myName,w

on mouseDown
   put the name of me into myName
   put the width of grc "oval"/2  into w -- the half width
   put the height of grc "oval" / 2 into h -- the half height

   -- Given two points p1 and p2, an ellipse is the locus of points
   --such that the sum of the distance to each focus is  a constant.

   -- Calculate the distance (2s) between the two foci of the ellipse
   put sqrt(abs(w*w - h*h)) into s -- A little geometry here.
   put the loc of grc "oval" into tLoc

   --Get coordinates of the  two foci
   put item 1 of tLoc - s & comma & item 2 of tLoc into p1--focus 1
   put item 1 of tLoc + s & comma & item 2 of tLoc into p2--focus 2
end mouseDown

on mousemove u,v
   if myName is empty then exit mouseMove
   put u,v into tPt

   --Calculate the sum of the distances to the two foci
   put distanceBetween(p1, tPt) + distanceBetween (p2,tPt) into tDist

   --If the sum of the distances to each focus is less
   --or equal to 2*w then the point is within the ellipse. Otherwise  
   if abs(tDist) <= 2*w then
     put u,v & cr & true into msg box
     put u,v & cr & false into msg box
   end if
end mousemove

on mouseUP
   put empty into myName
end mouseUP

function  distanceBetween a,b
   put item 1 of a into  x1
   put item 1 of b into x2
   put item 2 of a into y1
   put item 2 of b into y2
   return sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)
end distanceBetween

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