[TIP] How to ensure plain pasted text

Hugh Senior h at FlexibleLearning.com
Mon Oct 27 09:27:29 EDT 2008

For those watching this thread, there is a verified bug when focusing out of
a field after doing a "put into
selection": the exitField message is sent instead of the closeField

As a workaround you will need to trap this...

local oldMe
on openField
  put the value of the target in oldMe
end closeField

on exitField
  if (the value of the target<>old) me then send "closeField" to the target
end exitField

on closeField
end closeField

on commandKeyDown Vkey
   if Vkey = "v" and the selectedField is not empty then
     put the clipboardData["text"] into the selection
     pass commandKeyDown
   end if
end commandKeyDown


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