[ANN] and Re: Problem with mask
Wilhelm Sanke
sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Thu Oct 23 17:15:05 EDT 2008
I have uploaded a sample stack containing 8 different scripts for
creating masks and generating oval images.
Stack "Three Masks" demonstrates and lets you compare the approaches of
Jim Hurley, Scott Rossi, and my own.
All examples use the same basic selelection procedure with a draggable,
resizable, and reshapable and already grouped selection graphic
(applying the same routines I use for my selection graphic of stack
"Seamless Tiles 2"), which makes it easy to compare the effects of a
specific identical size and shape of the selection graphic across the 8
There are three examples based on Jim's script:
- The first uses his almost unchanged script, which produced the "mask
problem" with flattened edges on the right and at the bottom.
- In the second exampled I have reversed the direction of Jim's
"within"-scan, with the result that now the edges appear on the left and
on top
Because of the different edge effects I am not sure if the "mask
problem" is caused by a bug in the within-function or could rather be
remedied by more precise (?) scan routines. I have tried to change this
part of the script in various ways, but without success. Maybe Bernd
Niggemann' approach, which I could not yet include here, will show other
- The workaround-solution of the "mask problem" in the third example
based on Jim's script combines the two examples above. I use a scan in
two directions producing two masks with edges at different places. I
then combine the two masks, which then results in a perfectly rounded
mask without any flattened edges.
All oval images produced by the above examples display a slight "roughness".
Scott Ross's approach, taking a snapshot from the rect of the selection
graphic, produces oval images with a very smooth fringe.
As my selection tool is already a grouped one, in my minor necessary
adaptation of Scott's script the grouping and later ungrouping of the
oval graphic was no longer needed, as was also the resetting the
I am wondering if we could avoid or suppress the flickering that appears
when taking the snapshot?
In my own 4 examples no masks are created by script. I use prefabricated
masks in the form of imported invisible images that are then adapted to
the size and shape of the oval selection graphic. Hence, basically only
4 script lines are needed to crop the image and apply the mask.
The masks selected as examples are named "plain oval", "small fringe",
"wide fringe", and "transition".
Best regards,
Wilhelm Sanke
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