My replies are bouncing

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Oct 21 00:41:47 EDT 2008

James Hurley wrote:
> Why is this happening to me?
> This is  the  fourth time I've tried to reply to the list (Scott and 
> Wilhelm) and my message comes back saying it is too long. For example:
>    "Message body is too big: 20309 bytes with a limit of 15 KB"
> There is no way the message was 20 megs.
> Am I buggy?

Just a little. ;) Your message was 20309 bytes (not K, but bytes) which 
comes out to about 19.8K. List limit is 15K so you were about 4K over.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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