Editing groups and mouse messages

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com
Fri Oct 17 16:16:15 EDT 2008

Bonsoir Richard,

I let apart the move part of the job to focus on layering:

on MoveGroupToFront pGroup
   local tTarget,tOwner,tLayer,tPeers,tRelayerGroupedControls
   put the abbr id of grp pGroup into tTarget
   put the long owner of tTarget into tOwner
   put the layer of tOwner + 1 into tLayer
   repeat with i = the number of controls down to 1
     if the long owner of control i is tOwner then
       if the abbr id of control i is not tTarget then
         put the abbr id of control i & cr after tPeers
       end if
     end if
   end repeat
   lock screen
   set the relayerGroupedControls to true
   repeat for each line tPeer in tPeers
     set the layer of tPeer to tLayer
   end repeat
   set the relayerGroupedControls to false
   unlock screen
end MoveGroupToFront

I think this handler is a variant of something discussed on the list  
some years ago as far as I remember.

Le 17 oct. 08 à 21:17, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

> Chipp's thread went into that in detail, but in short all the icons  
> are in a group and turning on the relayerGroupedControls (necessary  
> to relayer stuff without a group without using editBackground) and  
> then setting the layer causes the icon group to become a member of  
> the highest other icon group, so this:
> grp "Main"
>    grp "Icon1"
>       btn
>       fld
>    grp Icon2"
>       btn
>       fld
> ...becomes:
> grp "Main"
>    grp "Icon2"
>      btn
>      fld
>      grp "Icon1"
>         btn
>         fld
> What I'm after is:
> grp "Main"
>    grp "Icon2"
>      btn
>      fld
>    grp "Icon1"
>      btn
>      fld
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution: http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/
Email: eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com/

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