Conflict between the Rev 'backdrop' and OSX 'Spaces'?

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Wed Oct 15 20:18:25 EDT 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Sarah Reichelt
<sarah.reichelt at> wrote:
>> It looks like a bug too me so I reckon you should file a report. I
>> thought a possible workaround might be to hide the backdrop when the
>> app was suspended and set it again on resume, but in my tests, the
>> suspend and resume messages are not being sent.
>> This would appear to be another bug which I will check out now and
>> report if it has not already been reported.
> The disappearing suspend & resume handlers is a GLX2 bug, not a Rev
> bug, so I will report it to Jerry. This means that my suggested
> workaround might be fine.

My mistake - this is a bug but it is a Revolution bug, NOT a GLX2 bug.
Sorry for that Jerry.

It seems that if you have more than one stack open, the suspend &
resume messages get lost.
I am about to bug report this, but for anyone who wants to test for
themselves, here is my recipe:

- shut down Rev and temporarily remove your Plugins folder from the
relevant folder in your Documents folder. This is to make sure that
any effects are Rev itself and not any add-ons.
- restart Rev
- make a new stack and set it's card script as follows:

on suspend
end suspend

on resume
end resume

- test this by swapping apps. You should hear a beep every time you
leave or come back to Rev.
- make a new stack, either a mainStack or a subStack.
- test again, no beeps :-(

BUT, if you then switch to the browse tool, toggle tools ending on
browse, then the beeps start again.
I can't explain this and it doesn't seem to happen with every stack.


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