convert to time question

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Oct 15 19:26:00 EDT 2008

Thierry wrote:

> Out of curiosity, I would be very much interested to understand
> how we can make the build in convert command work ?
> Any convert expert ?

The convert command is complex enough that we had a whole scripting 
conference on it. Sarah Reichelt is our resident expert:


Scroll down to #12.

Any integer, when used with date commands, is considered to be a number 
of seconds. When used with the convert command, the local system clock 
is used for the conversion and takes into account daylight savings. The 
seconds are always constant anywhere in the world, but the converted 
date and time will vary based on the local clock.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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