openSockets strangeness

alex alex at
Sun Oct 12 20:01:01 EDT 2008

Björnke von Gierke wrote:
> I can't really help on the first of your questions, but maybe it is 
> this: The open socket message will do what you want, namely open a 
> socket. The computer on the other end (or your own when you use 
> localhost as in your examples), will then either:
> 1. reject it (at which point you'll get a notice)
> 2. just silently do nothing about it, which is far more often (prolly 
> so to not give away too much info)
> 3. accept it
>  So often you'll only get a socket error when you actually try to do 
> something, and then the client (your stack) realises that it can't 
> send anything trough.
But even in case 2 (silent ignore),  you should get some error 
indication; and indeed I do get a socket error after 1 second (on Windows).

My test code looks like:
> on startitgoing
>    put 'starting' & the millisecs & CR after field "field1"
>    set the sockettimeoutinterval to 10000
>    open socket "" with callback socketopened
>    put the opensockets & CR after field "Field1"
> end startitgoing
> on sockettimeout
>    put "time out" & the millisecs  & CR  after field "Field1"
> end sockettimeout
> on socketerror
>    put "error" & the millisecs & CR  after field "Field1"
>    put the opensockets & CR after field "Field1"
> end socketerror

On line 5 (i.e. immediately following the open socket command), I do see 
the socket apparently open. But just about 1 second later I receive the 
socketError message, and then openSockets no longer contains anything.

-- Alex.

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