function binaryDecode within a function ...

runrev at runrev at
Tue Oct 14 06:04:16 EDT 2008


Again my question concerning binaryDecode.
get binaryDecode("H*",bilddaten,t)
is basically correct.

The following function 
* exports a jpg of a group "inhalt" to a variable rtf (1), 
* then to a file for opening in word (2) and 
* returns the variable rtf(3). 

(1)+(2) work correctly for any jpg (big and small).

(3) is a problem. The same function returns the SAME result as string in the following line of code. But here only jpgs with smaller sizes than 50000 bytes return the content of t within the variable rtf.
I do not understand anything. I can work with it - but I would like to understand the behavior.

Regards, Franz Böhmisch

function rtfkonvert objektname
export image objektname of group "inhalt" to bilddaten as JPEG
-- for testing: export image 1 to bilddaten as JPEG
get binaryDecode("H*",bilddaten,t) 
put "{\rtf{\pict\jpegblip\picwgoal874\pichgoal1121 " & cr into header
put cr & "}" & cr & "}" into footer
put header & t & footer into rtf
put rtf into URL "binfile:c:/rtftest.rtf" -- this works fine
return rtf -- this only works with small jpgs
end rtfkonvert

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