A List Mom Post

Heather Nagey heather at runrev.com
Fri Oct 10 13:28:56 EDT 2008

Dear List Folks,

Its been a while. I'm fresh come from sifting through the moderator  
"held" messages for this list, and I have a moment to share my  
thoughts with you. To avoid frustration when posting, you might want  
to save these pearls of wisdom.

1.) The list identifies you strictly and only by your email address.  
If you post from a different address, one that you have not signed up  
to the list, your mail will not get through. To avoid inconvenience,  
delay and confusion, I recommend you sign up all email addresses you  
might conceivably ever accidentally post from one day, and then set  
all addresses but your main one to "no mail" so that you don't  
receive duplicate posts. Yes, eventually, I will get around to  
checking through the hundreds of spam mails that pile up in  
moderation, pick out your held post, and accept it. This may cause  
even more confusion if in the meantime you've figured out what  
happened and reposted...

You can sign up, and manage your subscriptions here:


2.) There is a limit of 15k to the size of emails that can be posted  
to the list. To ensure you stay within this limit, I recommend you  
avoid elaborate html posts, don't send attachments (they won't get  
through anyway), don't embed images, and don't reply quoting the  
entire digest. If you do exceed the size limit, you will, eventually,  
get politely rejected by the list software (at least, I hope its  
polite, I haven't personally received the message it sends to such  
rejected mails...)

3.) Don't send subscribe or unsubscribe messages to the list. We have  
filtering set up to remove such posts, so generally you won't get  
through to the list, your post will get held and eventually deleted.  
If you are very lucky I might spot it and take action on it when  
deleting all the spam, but I might not. You can subscribe,  
unsubscribe, and manage your preferences here:


4.) and finally - do try and stay on topic! This is a lovely,  
friendly community. A little bit of chit chat here and there is  
acceptable. Announcements that have community relevance are fine.  
Protracted threads on such announcements can cause annoyance.  
Politics, religion, and cheese are strictly off topic and never  
permissible.  Be respectful of your fellow Revolutionaries. Remember  
they are all human and some of them are fiery fellows who need to see  
the odd smiley to know they are not under attack!

Warm Regards,


Wearing the Listmom Hat

Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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