Re-2: alternatelanguages ... persistent objects from "createObject"

runrev at runrev at
Fri Oct 10 03:35:06 EDT 2008

Hello Krey,

the reason for my desire to reuse open win COM objects aims to use many other COM Objects and winword/excel is just an example anyone knows. Of course in winword you can save the file and open it in a second session.
But I have some scenarios where it would be fine to having let the object opened and just interact with it.

It is just an idea to think about during a coffee break ... 

Regards, Franz

Original Message        processed by David InfoCenter 
Subject: Re: alternatelanguages ... persistent objects from "createObject" (09-Okt-2008 16:35)
From:    Ken Ray <kray at>
To:      boehmisch at

> But: Could it be possible out of runrev (any idea) to have 2
> alternatelanguagescripts
> runword1.vbs and 
> writeagaininword2.vbs
> where the second just uses the word object opened by the first. => Can I use a
> COM-object again by any trick?
> The first script could perhaps give back an objectID in the "result" variable
> to runrev, but how could I reconnect the writeagaininword2.vbs to this
> existing object (if the first script did not close it)?

Just curious - why would you need to do this instead of just creating a new
object? The reason I ask is that you can successfully link to currently open
instances of applications (I'm thinking MS Office primarily) to manipulate
them from multiple independent scripts. That is, you can use VBS with
createObject to launch an instance of Excel, say, and get a sheet started,
and then later use another VBS with createObject to add data to the same
worksheet in Excel.

> Of course it would be the best runrev could use COM directly ... how about a
> createObject command in 3.1 ;-)

That would be nice! :-)

> What can I do with the XML alternatelanguage on windows?

Sorry, haven't done anything with that... maybe someone else can chime in...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
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