Visible and extra monitors.

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Sun Oct 5 17:01:35 EDT 2008

Chipp Walters wrote:


Just use my function posted last week:

function isStackCurrentlyVisibleOnAnyMonitor pStack
 if pStack is among the lines of windows() then
  if not the vis of stack pStack then return false
  if the blendlevel of stack pStack = 100 then return false
  repeat for each line L in the screenrects
     if the topLeft of stack pStack is within L then return true
     if the topRight of stack pStack is within L then return true
     if the bottomLeft of stack pStack is within L then return true
     if the bottomRight of stack pStack is within L then return true
  end repeat
  return false
  return false
 end if
end isStackCurrentlyVisibleOnAnyMonitor"

2 points here:

1. [OT] where I come from the word 'Dude' carries fairly negative connotations (well, maybe that was your intention),

2. SCREENRECTS - plural was introduced in Runtime Revolution 2.7

(i.e. Richmond spent a long time p*ss*ng around with 2.6.1 wondering what he was doing wrong!!!)

This one has probably come up before . . .

Possibly, an itemised table showing what commands are available in each version of Runtime Revolution should be drawn up to spare people with early versions a lot of time, and make them stump up the money for newer versions.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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