Notification of internet use in Rev standalone

Phil Davis revdev at
Sat Oct 4 17:27:35 EDT 2008

Hi Paul,

The "suspend" and "resume" messages might be more what you're looking 
for. They're sent when your Rev app loses/gains focus as the frontmost 
app currently running.

There's always shell() to get info from the OS. For example, to get all 
apps in the "Applications" folder that are running, you can do this:

on mouseUp
   put shell("ps -A") into tData
   filter tData with "*/Applications/*"
   put tData into fld 1
end mouseUp

Then you would at least what apps are running.

On the Mac there's probably something you can do with AppleScript to 
find out what's running, but someone else will have to address that.

The only way I can think of to really prevent net access outside of Rev 
is to run a proxy server on the client that is set up to do that.

If you'll be using shell() much, you might find this Rev plug-in useful:

Phil Davis

Paul Gabel wrote:
> Hi everybody:
> My stack structure is a mainstack splash screen and three substacks. 
> Within a Rev standalone, is there any way to be notified if the user 
> opens a web browser or attempts to write an email with a non-Rev 
> application? Is there any way to prevent it?
> "on resumeStack" is not helpful in my case, as, if placed in the 
> mainstack (which is hidden by now), it is not triggered when I come 
> back from a web browser. I can't place "on resumeStack" in a substack, 
> because I am constantly going back and forth between them, and, even 
> in a standalone, it is triggered.
> I would greatly appreciate any suggestions (or even being told to 
> forget the whole idea).
> Paul Gabel
> Mac OS X 10.5.5
> Rev 3.0 
Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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