remove group doesn't work

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Oct 3 17:14:15 EDT 2008

Hi Jim,

> I have the following in a certain handler:
> put the groupNames of card "patient_insurance" into tGroupCheck
> if "insurance2" is among the lines of tGroupCheck then remove group  
> "insurance2" from card "patient_insurance"
> Sometimes it will error on the second line, and I can't figure out  
> why. I don't think it is because it isn't there, it is checking for  
> that first.
> It gives this error:
> field "resultList": execution error at line 132 (Chunk: can't find  
> background), char 59

try "background" instead of "group"
if "insurance2" is among the lines of tGroupCheck then remove  
BackGround "insurance2" from card "patient_insurance"

> Thanks,
> Jim McNeely


Klaus Major
klaus at

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