Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Fri Nov 28 18:08:26 EST 2008

Hi Mark,

Guess all the pros have closed shop for the day. (smile)

I don't have the tutorial you're using in front of me, but...

If you can define the "chunk" that you're replacing, why not just  
"put" the new stuff into it, or "put" &"Event" after it.

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 28, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Mark MacKenzie wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have been playing with the tutorial calendar and am having trouble  
> adding a to me useful feature.
> I have a list field where day events are put along with the short  
> date.  I can grab the day number from this short date, line by line.
> Where I am having trouble is after finding the needed day date in  
> the calendar day field (same as in tutorial) I am stuck with how to  
> replace the date number with a phrase consisting of the same day  
> date number and the word "Event".  The end effect is that after a  
> note is added, the calendar date will show instead of "28" the  
> phrase "28    Event" as a visual reminder that a note or event has  
> been added to the overall calendar.
> I am just missing something.  I have been using find and replace but  
> to no avail.
> How would you advise doing this?

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