AW: AW: AW: AW: need help for decompress URL

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Fri Nov 28 06:22:57 EST 2008

It's a local problem at your place:
I suspect that Rev is confused by another decompress library you  
installed or was installed along another software installation.
Not easy to track :-(
Have a look at all dlls in system32...

Le 28 nov. 08 à 12:20, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

> Wow, that sounds really hot!
> That would be an explanation (I still can't open you tutorials online)
> But where to start the search, and if this happens at my PC, how  
> often will
> it happen at customer sites???
> :(
> Perhaps I'll deinstall all revs from my PC this weekend and do a fresh
> install (though this problem persisted even with installing the new  
> 3.0)
> Bad news

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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