Converting Hypercard Stack -- No Scripts?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Nov 24 17:42:56 EST 2008

Hi Jacque,

I think the big HyperCard conversion wave is starting now or maybe we  
are in the middle of it. Leopard is the first version of Mac OS X that  
doesn't support Classic and the next version of Mac OS X is the first  
that won't support PPC. Apple sold the last PPC Macs a little more  
than 2 years ago, while most people will try to continue to use their  
HyperCard-based systems as long as possible.

Currently, Economy-x-Talk is converting a lot of HyperCard stacks and  
I expect this to become more important, or at least stay as important  
as it currently is, over the next one or two years. I must say,  
though, that I rarely care about conversion problems. I often make  
stacks from scratch and I still run HyperCard on a PowerMac with Mac  
OS 9. Nonetheless, I believe the possibility to import HyperCard  
stacks is a very useful feature. I'd report the bug.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 21 nov 2008, at 19:40, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> It's a bug, but probably a very minor one. I suspect there are very  
> few people who are still importing these old HC stacks.

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