Titlebar Bug Workaround Challenge

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Nov 23 15:20:32 EST 2008

Scott Rossi wrote:

> But the (minor) problem arises when the user *doesn't* use the stack's
> minimize button and instead clicks the stack's icon button in the taskbar.
> The first click makes the proxy stack active; then the second click actually
> does the minimizing.  So it's not that this arrangement doesn't work at all
> -- it's just that the first taskbar click doesn't do anything (as far as the
> user knows) so the minimize behavior appears to be buggy.

I messed around with this a bit. This seems to work:

In the proxy stack script:

on iconifyStack
  hide stack "real"
end iconifyStack

on uniconifyStack
  show stack "real"
end uniconifyStack

In the fake minimize button in the real stack:

on mouseUp
  hide this stack
  set the iconic of stack "proxy" to true
end mouseUp

My resumestack suggestion seems to do nothing, so skip that.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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