OT: Totally OT, question about Apple aluminum keyboard

Jim Sims sims at ezpzapps.com
Fri Nov 21 05:19:57 EST 2008

On Nov 21, 2008, at 11:01 AM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

> Does anyone use this for lots of regular typing, writing prose, and  
> if so how
> do you like it?  I like the old clickety clack buckling spring  
> keyboards,
> IBM or the old Apple extended.  Or failing that quite like the  
> logitech OEM.
> But am thinking about the aluminum because its quiet and compact and
> requires little finger travel.  But a bit worried about how it will  
> be for
> doing a lot of writing.

My partner, Cloe, and I both use them. Great for carrying from
one island to the next (wireless, smaller version).

My opinion doesn't count - I stab at keyboards with a finger or two.

Cloe is an authority in several fields however   ;-)   one of which
is 'touch typing'; one could say she is particular.   ;-)

She LOVES that keyboard, loves the action of the keys and the
fact that is very quiet.


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