receiving messages during a drag

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Thu Nov 13 05:13:24 EST 2008

So that is the workaround.  Thanks, Eric.

- Ben

Eric Chatonet wrote:
> Bonjour Ben,
> Have a look at Trevor's workaround:
> Le 13 nov. 08 à 10:42, Ben Rubinstein a écrit :
>> I'm trying to accept a drag+drop into a scrolling group.  All fine, 
>> except that I want to have the group scroll automatically if the user 
>> hovers over the top or bottom.
>> If the dragMove shows that the position is at top or bottom of the 
>> area, I want to scroll the group a bit; then if they're still then a 
>> few ticks later, scroll it a bit more.
>> Picking up the dragMove into an appropriate spot is fine; but I then 
>> tried to send myself a message to scroll a bit more, which I cancel if 
>> they move out of the zone.  However, it seems that messages aren't 
>> sent while a drag is in progress - instead the first message isn't 
>> sent until the drag ends.  So I currently I have something where the 
>> user has to wiggle around at the end of the group to scroll it - not 
>> great!
>> Is this a known problem?  Is there a way to get periodic operations 
>> during a drag?
>> Or do I have to block, once I detect that I'm starting to scroll the 
>> group, and just poll the mouse position and mousebutton to kep 
>> scrolling until the mouse moves or the button is released or I'm 
>> scrolled all the way?
>> (And if it is the case that periodic operations are simply stopped 
>> during a drag; is this a bug?)
>> TIA,
>> - Ben
> Best regards from Paris,
> Eric Chatonet.

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