Embedding fonts anomalies

Shari shari at gypsyware.com
Tue Nov 11 16:07:20 EST 2008

Am diving into embedding fonts for the first time.

I've been reading thru the archives and saw where some folks had 
troubles with loading custom fonts, where fonts might work on one 
system but not another, even within the same OS, or produce strange 
results.  So I came up with an idea to ensure that things will work 
properly regardless of the machine, OS, systemVersion, etc.  Is there 
any reason this wouldn't work?

Load several custom fonts.  Create a heirarchy of first choice, 
second choice, etc.  If firstChoice is in the fontNames then set the 
fields to it.  Else move to secondChoice, thirdChoice, etc., ending 
with several fonts that should already be installed on user systems 
as a last resort.

I'd read where folks had trouble with text in fields disappearing and 
so forth, but if I checked for the font to be in the fontNames first, 
wouldn't this solve potential problems?  The app will end up on 
thousands of machines of all flavors, so a trouble-free universal 
solution is necessary.

Also, can Rev handle font suitcases as-is?  Or do I need to limit 
specifically to someFont.ttf?

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