XML encoding oddities
Trevor DeVore
lists at mangomultimedia.com
Mon Nov 10 11:57:36 EST 2008
On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Mark Smith wrote:
> Thanks Trevor! (Also Ken). That seems to work very well.
> The particular problem I was trying to solve was how to serialize
> arrays with arbitrary keys and contents, such that they can be
> shared across networks and platforms. I think I've found a solution
> for my purposes, (though it won't be reliable with binary data), and
> it involves building the xml without the xml library, and then using
> the library to unserialize - though it fails if there is any "<?
> xml..." header at all!
For what it's worth I've been using the attached SerializeArray/
UnserializeArray handlers with relatively small arrays for a while now
and they seem to be working well enough for storing them in a database.
Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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function SerializeArray pArray
repeat for each key theKey in pArray
if the keys of pArray[theKey] is not empty then
put urlencode(theKey) & ":" & "___array___:" &
urlencode(SerializeArray(pArray[theKey])) & cr after theData
put urlencode(theKey) & ":" &
urlencode(base64encode(pArray[theKey])) & cr after theData
end if
end repeat
delete the last char of theData
return theData
end SerializeArray
-- Returns array
-- Support Rev 3.0 multi-dimensional arrays
function UnserializeArray pSerializedArray
set the itemdelimiter to ":"
repeat for each line theLine in pSerializedArray
if item 2 of theLine begins with "___array___" then
put urldecode(item 1 of theLine) into theKey
put UnserializeArray(urldecode(item 3 of theLine)) into
put urldecode(item 1 of theLine) into theKey
put base64decode(urldecode(item 2 to -1 of theLine)) into
end if
end repeat
return theArray
end UnserializeArray
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