"Select All" in RevBrowser or Simulate Control+A

Marcus Lindley lindley8 at telus.net
Sun Nov 2 14:08:04 EST 2008

This does work, mostly, but not exactly in the manner I was hoping.  I did discover, however, that I can achieve exactly what I want by clicking anywhere in the stack (not in the browser instance) and using the control+A keys - the windows command for "select all".  Now, if I was able to emulate a keydown ControlKey + "A" or some such thing, I might be able to select the whole browser contents without using any keys. Simulate a click and keydown events are two different things though.  I could not figure out how to use the "Type" command to emulate what I
am trying to do here.

any thoughts?

Marcus L.

i Marcus,

I don't think this is possible, but you can create a "copy all text"  

on copyAllText theBrowserInstance
   put revBrowserGet(theBrowserInstance,"htmlText") into myHtml
   set the htmlText of fld "Hidden Field" to myHtml
   set the clipboardData["text"] to fld "Hidden Field"
end copyAllText

Untested, should work. You might want to add some code to remove img  
tags and other unnecessary stuff, before you set the htmlText of the  




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Op 2-nov-2008, om 17:57 heeft Marcus Lindley het volgende geschreven:

> How would I create a "select all" feature in the revBrowser?   
> Something similar to the way Internet Explorer has a "select all"  
> button in the main menu
> drop down list and selects everything in the browser window.  I've  
> tried the RevBrowserGet and RevBrowserSet functions, but cannot  
> seem to get anything to work.
> I am using Rev 2.9.

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