integrating rsync with Rev

Josh Mellicker josh at
Thu May 29 19:26:40 EDT 2008

Just an update... I am stuck on this, because "expect" somehow  
interferes with the downloading of larger files.

Simply running rsync from Terminal works great. (I downloaded 800MB of  
large files at blazing speed with nary a hiccup)

But running a shell script:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn rsync -avzrt
revcoder at 
revcoder_rsync_test/ /revcoder_rsync_test
expect "connecting" { send "yes\n"}
expect "password:" { send "cookies\n"}
expect "#"

from Terminal, with:


downloads 1 or 2 files, then stalls. This is without Rev involved in  
any way, so this eliminates Rev from the equation, and also makes this  
post [OT]

Also, since I was reminded rsync is not on Windows machines, this  
demotes rsync as a good file transfer solution for Rev, since it's Mac- 

Back to libURL!

On May 27, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 2:19 AM, Josh Mellicker  
> <josh at> wrote:
>> Okay, here's where I'm stuck with using rsync and Rev for remote <- 
>> > local
>> file transfers:
>> The first time you run an rsync command with a certain server, you  
>> get this
>> prompt from rsync:
>> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
>> established.
>> RSA key fingerprint is 9f:8c:ba:a9:5d:3f:b4:ef:f7:4a:2c:20:cd: 
>> 77:b3:8c.
>> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
>> Somehow, we either need to:
>> 1. "expect" this possible response (the first time only) and answer  
>> "yes"
> This script works for that, whether the fingerprint has already been
> stored or not:
> #!/usr/bin/expect -f
> spawn rsync -avzrt
> revcoder at
> /revcoder_rsync_test
> expect "connecting" { send "yes\n"}
> expect "password:" { send "cookies\n"}
> expect "#"
> BTW, when testing this on my own site, I found that the "expect"
> parameters are case sensitive. My web host sends "Password:" with
> upper case "P" and I had to change the script to match.
>> 2. or, would it be a better solution to check for the key  
>> fingerprint on the
>> local machine and create it if necessary? Or, perhaps just create it
>> temporarily and delete it at the end of the session for security  
>> purposes?
> I found that the fingerprints are stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts but it
> is encoded. You can detect if the fingerprint already exists and I
> guess you could delete it after every transaction.
> Cheers,
> Sarah
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