Is RunRev marketed to developers mainly?

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Thu May 29 10:39:34 EDT 2008

I believe you might say the same for SuperCard. Kind of! My personal  
feeling is that when Rev was first released as MetaCard, perhaps as  
something else - my memory fails me, we had all become accustomed to  
HC - free for all to use; and we resented that someone was trying to  
get rich on what we felt should almost be in the public domain. There  
were a lot of hurt feelings. And it was still seen as a Mac only tool.  
It probably still is. Certainly, the majority of users on this list  
appear to be mostly on Macs. In many cases, here I speak for myself, I  
wish it were Mac only and we didn't even have to deal with everyone  
else. AND, believe it or not, there is still a lot of combativeness  
between the two platforms. Even here - as I'm sure I'll soon be made  
aware. (smile)

My two centavos,

Joe Wilkins

On May 28, 2008, at 11:57 PM, viktoras didziulis wrote:

> many times I have been wondering, why so many people know of Air,  
> and all these fresh new things about flash, Flex 3, Python, Java,  
> MySQL, SQLite, PHP, even Logo, etc... Those are babies of Adobe, Sun  
> or not so well known companies or even open source projects. And why  
> do they usually know next to nothing about Revolution, which is not  
> a new IDE product at all... Then I realized that Revolution is  
> absent from press releases of major printed IT/PC/MAC magazines. On  
> each new release or upgrade of its products Adobe and even open  
> source project leaders "shout out" a press release appearing on  
> printed pages of many journals, that's why we know. But when  
> Revolution Released 2.9 no IT magazine (please correct me if I am  
> wrong) ever covered it. Why? Doesn't Run Rev Ltd do press releases  
> on its products and upgrades ? Maybe those press releases are  
> somehow limited... Printed words still have a big weight in this  
> Internet age, maybe because people tend to associate them with some  
> sort of credibility of printed text, etc...
> Viktoras

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