Videograbber Preview XP

Jack Rarick jrarick at
Tue May 27 21:29:12 EDT 2008

Hi all!

I am using the demo stack Video Grabber on a Window's XP. I am using Window's Media File as the file type. I am able to make a great looking video - but unfortunately PREVIEW does NOT work. I can eye-ball the video coming off the camera and know when to start and stop it ... I just can't get it to display in either Preview or Record.

I have set dontuseQT to true.

One possible fly in the ointment: I am on Window's on an iBook running Bootcamp. I did however disable the iSight camera - which when chosen, worked great! 

Any and all ideas, even bad ones, will be very much appreciated!

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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