integrating rsync with Rev

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Fri May 16 07:10:21 EDT 2008


This kind of "su- shell" command works perfectly there. In replacing  
the "oracle/oracle" user/password by yours and the "sqlplus" command  
by the "rsync" one, the task will certainly be up and running.

   --  put shell("su - oracle -c" && quote & "sqlplus" && char 7 to -1  
of item itemoffset("Login=",PostIn) of PostIn & "/" & \
   --      char 8 to -1 of item itemoffset("Passwd=",PostIn) of PostIn  
&& "@" & \
   --      char 9 to -1 of item itemoffset("TmpFile=",PostIn) of  
PostIn & quote & return & "oracle") into Retour

Hope this can help ;-)

Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

Le 16 mai 08 à 12:02, Kay C Lan a écrit :

> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Sarah Reichelt <sarah.reichelt at 
> >
> wrote:
>> As an example, if I want to get a detailed directory listing in
>> Terminal, I use:   ls -la
>> In Rev, I would use:  put shell("ls -la") into fld "Listing"
> But what if I need to look into a locked directory, one that in  
> terminal I'd
> use sudo ls -la ? How do I pass the command and the password. In  
> Terminal I
> always do the sudo + command, it then asks for my password which I  
> enter.
> How do I do these 2 steps in Rev?
> Thanks
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