Basic sorting problem

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Wed May 7 08:09:52 EDT 2008

Seems rather complicated!

I did this:

on mouseUp
  put 1 into KK
  repeat until line KK of fld "fIN" is empty
  put the number of words of line KK of fld "fIN" &&
line KK of fld "fIN" into line KK of fld "fOUT"
  put KK + 1 into KK
end repeat
sort lines of fld "fOUT"
put 1 into CC
repeat until line CC of fld "fOUT" is empty
  put 1 into XX
  repeat until char XX of line CC of fld "fOUT" is " "
    put the number of chars of line CC of fld "fOUT"
into NC
    put char 2 to NC of line CC of fld "fOUT" into
line CC of fld "fOUT"
  end repeat
  put CC + 1 into CC
end repeat
end mouseUp

it took me 15 minutes.

look at "Sentence Sorter" in RevOnline (under

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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